Ceremony of San Pedro – Full Day

US$75.00 / Por Persona


The ceremony with Wachuma or San Pedro, an ancient master plant, seeks balance, reconnection, healing, liberation, and harmony mentally, emotionally, and physically for the participant. It also enhances self-learning and personal development.

It helps to clear fears and traumas that a person experiences throughout their life, leading to psychological and physical imbalances.

The participant enters a state of meditation and connection, a process during which they are compelled to confront their deepest fears and traumas with the intention of finding resolution.

The great benefit of taking Wachuma is that it awakens human senses (altered states of consciousness) to work with the subconscious, where we store most experiences and information acquired since our time in the womb.

This sacred plant has been used ancestrally for thousands of years in the Andes.

The experience with Wachuma or San Pedro should be conducted by prepared and specialized individuals.

It is led by a master who has prepared for years to conduct these experiences and ceremonies, has profound knowledge of ancestral culture, and has a connection with nature.

The master selects sacred and secret outdoor locations for the realization of these activities.

Tour Plan

9:00 AM: Pick-up from your hotel and transfer to the location chosen by the master for the ritual.

Once the location is reached, the ritual space is opened.

Then, the ritual space is cleansed using tobacco.

The shaman will initiate the ceremony by seeking permission from the spirit of the plant and invoking their guardian entities (earth spirit, mountains, snow-capped peaks, ancestors, etc.).

Next, chants, whistles, and/or musical instruments are used to guide the process of the participants.

The participant’s “intention” as a catalyst is crucial to initiate the intake of this sacred plant teacher.

The dosage and duration of the effects are tailored to each participant and according to the Master’s recommendation.

Subsequently, the participant seeks their space and privacy to follow their process.

The working team and the master provide assistance at all times.

After approximately 3 hours, lunch is served, and the return to Cusco begins.

4:30 PM: Return to Cusco.

It is always important to provide feedback on the experiences and address any queries the participant may have, which are attended to by the master of ceremonies.

Pricing per Passenger

Fixed/Grupal $ 75.00

This price is available only for fixed departures.

Fixed Departures December 9, 2023, and December 23, 2023.
2 passengers $ 100.00
3 passengers $ 90.00
4 passengers $ 80.00
5 passengers $ 75.00
6 passengers $ 70.00


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